Lieutenant Colonel Tim Gwynn
U.S. Army Special Forces ( Retired )
Owner and Operator of Animas Security, LLC,
Red Dawn Range and Security
Wolverine School of Personal Safety
Animas Investigations
Animas Security LLC concentrates the business on physical security to include installation and usage of electronic surveillance systems. The surveillance systems emphasize either Apprehension or Prevention, the choice driving the type and installation of the video systems. Neighbor-to-neighbor disputes, shopkeeper theft prevention, physical security for installations and facilities are some of the targets for the company. Event security is also provided when requested. Investigations work continues as Animas Investigations requests. The two subsidiaries provide a location for firearms instruction and a framework for providing instruction in various skill sets useful to the preservation of individual safety, family safety, and consultation for home, business and vehicular safety. Provides expert witness testimony in matters of security.
The Wolverine School of Personal Safety operates the Red Dawn Range offering Concealed Handgun Permit training, a wide range of advanced shooting and unarmed skills training.
Security Provider for Southwest Colorado Community College
2012-Reacquired Animas Investigations
in 2018 Animas Investigations was subsumed under Animas Security as a primary Professional Server of Legal Process. Investigations are relegated to that required by Service of Process.
2005-2009, Owner and Operator of Animas Investigations, LLC, Durango, Colorado
Name change from DC Systems and expansion of investigative services and training and security services and formalizing a previous and ongoing professional relationship with the company. Recent activities included a four-month security with the Sky Ute Casino in Ignacio, CO, several investigations including two homicide investigations for the Office of the Alternate Defense Council in Colorado. In addition, numerous investigations with emphasis on surveillance were conducted in conjunction with an investigative agency in New Mexico. The successful business was sold in 2009, maintaining a professional business relationship with the company.
TE-EPSS ASARS Project, Taji, Iraq
Security Manager,
The position required the principal to take responsibility and authority for the physical security of the TE-EPSS Academy compound, including vetting of indigenous personnel, supervision of construction of security barriers, and leading a security force of twenty-two Americans and seventy Iraqis. Security was intended to physically safeguard a large American presence and a much larger Iraqi student population in the face of probable attempts at infiltration or penetration of the perimeter. Physical security requirements led to the clearing outside the perimeter security fence of the debris of the war and years of Iraqi neglect. The requirement also included the safe transport of personnel from Taji to Baghdad, Iraq. The contract was ended by the U.S. Army Contracting Office after the first year.
Owner and Director of DCSystems of Durango, Colorado.
Conducted legal, private, and insurance investigations; provided Security Services and Training to individuals, corporations, and law enforcement entities. Specialized in threat development with regard to physical security of persons, groups, facilities, and their activities. Participated as a principle trainer of Federal Aviation Administration Air Marshals. Operated as Security Manager for oil explorations in Algeria where the threat was religious fundamentalism. In that regard the principal coordinated with the security officers of various country embassies; coordinated emergency evacuation plans for medical evacuation and wholesale evacuation; coordinated with and closely interacted with Algerian Military Forces for close-in armed security; advised the corporation on procedures and wrote security plan for facilities and personnel. Conducted Security Survey for oil explorations and discovery operations in Colombia where the threat was street crime and Marxist guerrillas and narco-traffickers: Surveyed physical surroundings of both field and urban locations for corporate and personnel security; devised, wrote and provided a comprehensive plan for physical and operational security; recommended measures for communications security. Conducted Vulnerability Survey for a chemical redistribution company in locations in Mexico City and Guayaquil, Peru: Surveyed sites for points of access by unauthorized persons, workplace hazards, financial and operating vulnerabilities and guard forces for competence and operating procedures. Currently certified as Firearms Instructor, Use of Force Instructor, Port and Ship Security Field Analyst.
Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, D.C.
Training Officer, Operation Snowcap
Deputy Director of Operations, U.S. Army Office of Military Support, Fort Belvoir, VA
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army for Operations, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
Action Officer, Special Operations Forces
Acting Branch Chief, U.S. Army Special Operations Division,
Chief, Security Assistance Control Team, Grenada.
U.S. Forces Caribbean, Key West, Florida
Army Special Warfare Officer,
Student, Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia.
U.S. Military Group, San Salvador, El Salvador
Training Officer.
Defense Security Assistance Management Course, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
U.S. Army Foreign Area Officer Course, Ft Bragg, North Carolina.
Third Battalion, Seventh Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Gulick, Canal Zone, Republic of Panama
Battalion Executive Officer
Company Commander, A Co.
U.S. Army Ranger School, Ft Benning, Georgia. .
Winner: Merrill's Marauder Award
1974-1977, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Control Officer
Headquarters Company Commander
U.S. Army Infantry Officer Advance Course, Ft Benning GA
1973, Joint Casualty Recovery Center, Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand
Casualty Recovery Team Leader
Military Advisory Command Vietnam Team 67, Song Be, Phuoc Long Province, Republic of Vietnam
Operations Advisor
Eighth Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Gulick, Canal Zone, Republic of Panama
Team Leader, Special Forces Operational Detachment A-5
Team Leader, Dirty 30
Operator, Jungle Operations Training Center
Graduate, Special Forces Combat Diver School
Defense Language Institute East Coast, Arlington, Virginia
5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), II Corps Mobile Strike Force, Pleiku, Republic of South Vietnam
Team Leader, Special Forces Operational Detachment A-205/Reconnaissance Company
5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Special Forces Operational Detachment A-231, II Corps Tactical Zone
Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs Officer, Tieu Atar, Republic of South Vietnam.
Basic Airborne Course, Ft. Benning, Georgia
Officer Candidate School, Infantry Officer Basic Course, Ft. Benning, Georgia
Fort Dix, New Jersey Basic Training and Advanced Individual (Infantry) Training
University of San Diego, San Diego, California
Yuma AZ to various California cantaloupe processing sheds
Box Car Loader
Conveyor Belt Set Off
Box Car Icer