Level One Close Quarters Survival
Per the training schedule
LEVEL ONE: Introduces the student to the principles outlined below and how to apply the several techniques best included in the first level of CQS. The student is then prepared with the easier to learn and apply hard empty hand lethal strikes.
Females of any age, physical type and conditioning.
Males of no less than 27 years of age with a clean criminal record and a good background check.
Class Fee: $225.00
Location: Durango, Colorado
Duration: One day's training or two evenings, as scheduled
Level One CQS will provide the hard empty hand skills, hard and soft intermediate weapons skills that form the basis for personal safety/self defense.
This course was created to deal with the very serious subject of facing an apparent deadly force threat without access to equal or superior weapons, either because you didn’t bring your pistol to the knife fight or (more likely) because the threat appeared so quickly and in such close proximity that your weapons, if any, could not be accessed.
While there are no physical conditioning requirements for this course, you should be prepared to exert yourself for a solid day, perhaps learning your current physical limitations and making plans to overcome them or learning how to work around them.
You will learn and practice the use of Attack Avoidance; Blocks and Strikes; use of the Baton/blunt instrument (Key Defender); Safe Firearms Take-Away technique; Distraction Techniques and other associated techniques of self defense. Perhaps the most important of all, the Four Levels of Mental Awareness will be explored as well. Most significantly, you will learn lethal empty hands techniques that require the same attention to necessity as the use of lethal weapons.
Enrollment is possible either online or upon receipt of the $225.00 class fee, mailed to PO Box 3956, Durango, CO 81302, and received by the Monday prior to the course. Please make your check payable to E.T. Gwynn. Should you subsequently decide not to participate a refund of 20% of the fee will be returned to you. We fully understand the exigencies of daily living and will gladly work with you around your unavoidable schedule changes. Cash payments must be arranged in advance.
Please call Tim at 970-749-3296 or email etgwynn@gmail.com for the Student Letter which will indicate that you are enrolled upon receipt of the course fee of $225.00, The course consists of one days training. Training day will begin at 9:00AM, breaking for lunch (on you), and ending at about 5:00PM. Loose clothing and comfortable athletic shoes are the uniform of the day.
Trainng for the week day scheduled class will cover two evenings of 3 1/2 hours each.
The reward for all this is a new or renewed confidence in your own ability to protect yourself and those you love in an increasingly uncertain world. You will also receive a Wolverine School Certificate attesting to the elements of the course and your proficiency in them.
Course subscription must be at least four students. Should this minimum number not materialize the class will be rescheduled as soon as practical.